Are you spontaneous? As children we all are, but somewhere along the way we lose it...
Being spontaneous is something that most lack. We are so busy planning our lives that we have forgotten to live. When we are spontaneous we are present, living in the moment and we feel it!
I love to be spontaneous! I remember Brian and I were running errands and we decided to stop and walk into the nearest movie theatre and watch the next movie playing. It was so much fun! My favorite spontaneous moment was when we were sitting at home and talking about how fun it would be to go to Hawaii one day, so we just bought the tickets....for the next morning! Craaazy, but oh so much fun!
When was the last time you were spontaneous? Are you one of those people that can't live without their calendars or lists? How about giving spontaneity a chance once again?
Only in spontaneity can we be who we truly are.
image by: popstudios