As soon as I found out about the Henri Matisse exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I was ready to go. Matisse has always been one of my favorite artists, so I was very excited.
They say that painting had been difficult for Matisse. He had always doubted himself so he repainted his work many times. He was a very celebrated French artist the beginning of the 20th century. Below you can see a couple of my favorite paintings from this exhibit.
Duo seemed to be having a great time. He was very "chatty" and kept pointing at the art. Although at one point all he wanted to do was run around the museum (not a good idea). Hopefully he grows up to love and appreciate art as much as I do.
We walked around for a while. I could've stayed in the museum all day...and night. I never get tired of admiring art. I feel very lucky to have so many amazing museums close by.
It was definitely a great exhibit and I highly recommend it if you are in NYC. Hope you enjoyed a glimpse of our day at the Metropolitan Museum. Maybe next time you can join us.
matisse paintings: metropolitan museum
all other images by: popstudios